Monday, November 12, 2012

Holidaze Are Coming

Hi from Starbucks! My day has been turned around and kind of derailed, but life is never dull. My first week back on a healthier mindset has gone well. My Monday morning weigh-in revealed ...

275.2 lb.
Weekly Loss: 3.6 lb.
Net Loss: 3.6 lb.

I'm still over 20 pounds down from when I first began my original diet back in 2011, but at this point I'm only going to track this particular wedge on the weight loss wheel of cheese. The holidays are coming, and I want to get a head start against the feast days. Thanks for your support, all. See you next week!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Back on the Roller Coaster

2011 was the year I kicked ass on the weight-loss front, losing nearly forty pounds. I was focused, disciplined, and got myself to a lower weight and size than I had been since before moving to the land of snow and cheese back in 2001.

Unfortunately, this year I hurt my back, got depressed, and lost all the ground I had gained—and by "lost" I mean that I've piled back on the pounds and my gut made its triumphant return to rotundity. The combination of low activity combined with eating (badly) for comfort had its entirely predicable effect:

I'm fat.

The good news? I didn't gain back all the weight I'd lost. The glass (of fat) is half full, as I only put on some twenty pounds back on since my record-low of last year. The other piece of good news is that my back is not permanently injured, and I can reduce my chance of hurting it again by losing weight and getting into non-round shape.

I've been thinking about a lot of things in my life in the past week, but this is where I talk about my health goals. I stepped on the scale this morning, and will go back to my old Monday-morning "official" weigh-ins starting next week. Here's where I'm starting:

Starting Point:
278.8 lb.

WW point-counting, daily walks, and trips to the gym are happening. I'll keep everyone updated, because last year the weekly blogging and sharing helped keep me honest and focused. I know I'm an attention-whore but I can at least use it to my advantage

Thanks for everyone who's been supportive and encouraged me in the past, and in advance for everyone who does so this time around. My target is 225 lb.—just over 50 lb. down and over 100 lb. down from my highest weight that I hit back in 2004 when health problems and apathy were at their max.

Advice, encouragement, and hugs are all appreciated. We'll see if I can get down at least three pounds in the first week!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Humpday!

I neglected to weigh in on Monday ... but finally remembered before I got the kids up for school today. (Yes, school is already in session. Don't get me started!) Here is where I am:

269.2 lb.
Weekly Loss: 2.8
Total Net Loss: 2.8

(I'm only counting my latest attempt, starting July 23, 2012.) Wish me luck! I gotta long way to go.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Starting Over

Well ... I got hurt and behaved really badly while my back was an agonizing knot of pain. I'm mostly recovered, and determined to shed these excess pounds. I'm starting by counting points (WW-style) and doing a bit more activity, and will soon be joining a local gym to do some careful weight training.

Today I did my first Monday morning, full-nude weigh-in. (Hellllooo laaaaadieeees.)

272.0 lb.

I'll keep everyone posted as I keep on keepin' on! Send me some encouragement, love, and hugs. Just no chocolate for a while.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Week Something or Other - Ugh!

Okay, so I gained like five pounds and kinda flatlined over the last week at 257. I've been bad. But no longer. Back to being strict on counting my points (using WW Points+) and today I'm joining the gym and will begin working out on a daily basis. As soon as I can get my pool open I'm going to be swimming laps every day. I WILL succeed!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

2012 - Week Thirteen: Still Going, Going, Going ...

I should try getting more sleep! I haven't reported in several weeks. Bad Jamie! Here's the current deal.

252.0 lb.
Weekly Loss: –2.0 lb.
Total 2012 Loss: 11.2 lb.

I'm starting to look in the mirror and see what I was seeing last year at my best weight, which I'm rapidly approaching. Maybe yardwork this week will help!

I'm also planning on joining the gym in the very near future and add a weight and cardio routine to bump up the physical fitness side of the equation. Thanks all!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

2012 - Week Ten: Ten Pounds (ironic!)

Whattayaknow? Ten weeks into the year and I've lost ten pounds! Easy enough to figure out. I'm still about three pounds over where I wanted to be at this point, but that's my own damn fault.

253.2 lb.
Weekly Loss: 1.4 lb.
Yearly Net Total Loss: 10.0 lb.

Today is the 100th birthday of the Oreo, apparently. I better NOT grab a box to celebrate ...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2012 - Week Nine: Need Coffee ...

Forgot to weigh in on Monday. Oops! Catching up now. I've done okay this week! Can't talk ... need coffee ...

Weekly Loss: 2.2 lb.
Total 2012 Loss: 8.6 lb.

I'm only half a pound higher than the milestone goals I set. I hope to catch up and be on-track or ahead by this time next week!

Monday, February 20, 2012

2012 - Week Eight: Post-Convention Win

The Monday morning after a convention is always one in which I stagger around, growing incoherently, and craving human brains. It's also one in which I usually pay for the sins of the weekend on a morning weigh-in. But I did okay in Tennessee, and even tried to balance out the HUGE meal that my friends and I shared at City Cafe in Chattanooga. So I did okay -- more than okay! This morning the scale said:

256.8 lb.
Weekly Loss: 3.2 lb.
Net 2012 Weight Loss: 6.4 lb.

I'm less than a pound away from being back on track (according to the progress goals I've set for myself). Hmm ... I may even get ahead of the curve next week!

Monday, February 13, 2012

2012 - Week Seven: Gold Star

Sweet! Despite my mother stuffing me with pasta and Mississippi Mud Cake last night, I still managed to make a good showing for the week. If I gain a little ground this week I'll be matching the expected progress I've set for myself.

Weekly Loss: 2.8 lb.
Net Weight Loss This Year: 6.0 lb.

Only twenty-seven more pounds to go ...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week Six: Grr!!!

I often do "unofficial" weigh-ins during the week but they don't count. But if they did, I would have been down a few more pounds. But I managed to gain it back just in time for weigh-in day.

Weekly Loss: 0.2 lb.
2012 So Far: 3.2 lb.

We'll see how the week goes!

Monday, January 30, 2012

2012 - Week Five: Oh yeah, I'm doing this!

Forgive me, Internet, for I have sinned. It has been four weeks since my last weight update. I could tell you that my birthday gave me an excuse to ignore sensible eating and drinking, or that I've been distracted by all kinds of crazy-exciting professional things going on my life. But that's no excuse and we both know. I mean to do this, dammit, and I'm going to do it.

Here I am. Back to weekly updates and back to my naked-on-the-scale Monday morning weigh-ins. (And you're welcome for that image.) Here is where we are:

260.2 lb.
Since Last Weigh-In: 3.0 lb.

So that's good! I'm at least moving in the right direction in the past month, even if it's not nearly as far as I should be after this many weeks into the new year. Keep me going, people. My goal weight is 225 lb. and I mean to get there by mid-summer. Thanks for your friendship and support!

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 - Week One: Day One

It's a new year. I'm starting over. I did good last year, though I slipped a bit once I got to the holidays. I'm ignoring it all. Today is Day One. I'm starting weekly tracking and watching my intake and activity all as if this were brand new. Long-term, I want to get down to 225 lb. My first short-term milestone is to lose the first five pounds.

Here's what the scale reported this morning:

263.2 lb.

Happy New Year, folks! See you next week.