Monday, March 26, 2012

2012 - Week Thirteen: Still Going, Going, Going ...

I should try getting more sleep! I haven't reported in several weeks. Bad Jamie! Here's the current deal.

252.0 lb.
Weekly Loss: –2.0 lb.
Total 2012 Loss: 11.2 lb.

I'm starting to look in the mirror and see what I was seeing last year at my best weight, which I'm rapidly approaching. Maybe yardwork this week will help!

I'm also planning on joining the gym in the very near future and add a weight and cardio routine to bump up the physical fitness side of the equation. Thanks all!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

2012 - Week Ten: Ten Pounds (ironic!)

Whattayaknow? Ten weeks into the year and I've lost ten pounds! Easy enough to figure out. I'm still about three pounds over where I wanted to be at this point, but that's my own damn fault.

253.2 lb.
Weekly Loss: 1.4 lb.
Yearly Net Total Loss: 10.0 lb.

Today is the 100th birthday of the Oreo, apparently. I better NOT grab a box to celebrate ...