Monday, February 8, 2016

Damn You Superbowl

I've had "juggler's fatigue," where worrying about my food intake and being healthy is hard to maintain with so many other balls in the air. So my news wasn't awesome on the scale this morning:

274.5 lb.

I've actually gained a little back from the past two weeks. I'm not feeling it, totally don't really care today. But I'm trying to stick to my tasks and I've put this on there. I'm monitoring my weight weekly and monitoring my food-consumption daily. (Well I've been AWFUL about the last part, so I'm going to make it a priority today.) Already logged my modest breakfast. Wish me luck! My sister's "Big Game" spread of food and a couple of beers totally didn't help.

Monday, January 4, 2016

... and a heavy New Year

Busy, busy -- first day "back at work" at so many things. I let myself relax a little on diet and activity for the holidays. I gained about 6 1/2 pounds since last time I posted here. Not great, but could be worse! Now I'm back to monitoring intake and weekly weight. I'm considering this year a fresh start. My goal weight by year's end is 225 pounds -- achievable if I'm willing to keep at it. Here's where I'm starting:

275.8 lb.

Only 50.8 pounds to go! (Yes, I know my feet don't look awesome. One thing at a time!)