The Monday morning after a convention is always one in which I stagger around, growing incoherently, and craving human brains. It's also one in which I usually pay for the sins of the weekend on a morning weigh-in. But I did okay in Tennessee, and even tried to balance out the HUGE meal that my friends and I shared at City Cafe in Chattanooga. So I did okay -- more than okay! This morning the scale said:
256.8 lb.
Weekly Loss: 3.2 lb.
Net 2012 Weight Loss: 6.4 lb.
I'm less than a pound away from being back on track (according to the progress goals I've set for myself). Hmm ... I may even get ahead of the curve next week!
Very proud of you Jamie. I know how much of a struggle the weight loss journey is. You are looking great. And I bet you are feeling better too.