Happy New Year! I didn't make "resolutions" for the New Year, but I gave the year 2013 a theme ... the Year of Responsibility. One part of that is responsibility to my health. I've set a goal of 25 lb. lost by Comic-Con in July—so I'll include progress toward my goal as part of my weight disclosure.
Yes, I gained some during the holidays. I was bad about eating badly and with gleeful abandon, knowing that being strict and counting WW points would begin the first full week of the year. (The good news is I actually lost a couple of pounds from an unofficial weigh-in last week.)
I'm resuming my old schedule of weighing in the buff first thing on Monday mornings on my trusty digital scale. Here's where we begin:
Weight: 280.2 lb.
is a terrible indicator of actual healthy weight, and if you know history it was never meant to be an indicator of health in the first place ... but it's the standard the health care industry still uses, so I'll suck it up and reveal where I stand at the moment.
BMI: 37
Definitely in the "obese" category. But it's also worth noting that when I was in the best shape of my life at about 215 lb. I was still considered overweight by the BMI standard, and barely within "healthy" weight as a scrawny high school graduate. But there is no doubt I need to seriously work at shedding fat and becoming healthier.
With 26 weeks until July, I have plenty of time to get to my summer goal while losing at a healthy rate. And hopefully get a good 5-6 lb. on my way before my birthday toward the end of the month.
Thanks in advance for any support, encouragement, etc. Hope to have some early progress to report in the coming week!