Monday, July 18, 2011

Week Twenty-One: Yay, Almost On Track!

Busybusybusy ... but ...

251.8 lb.
Weekly Loss: 2.2 lb.
Total Net Loss: 41.8 lb.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Boy the difference one week makes! Now that I'm home and not hitting the buffet at the Drury Inn & Suites every morning and evening, not drinking every night at the Big Bar on 2, and failing my Will check against gaming snacks, the weight I gained on the road has just vanished! (I love you so very dearly, Origins, but you are BAD FOR MY DIET!) But I've been doing better and the scale had some great news for me ...

Weekly Loss: 5.6 lb.
Total Net Weight Loss: 41.2 lb.

When I did the math it hit me. In four months I've lost over forty pounds. Woohoo!!!! I will cheerfully assume that all the celebrations and fireworks today is the entire nation is happy for me. Have a great Fourth, everyone! In the words of my friend Tommy Cage, salute the flag ... and then thank a soldier.